
In this project, let’s build an Emoji Game by applying the concepts we have learned till now.

Refer to the image below:


Design Files

Click to view - [Extra Small (Size < 576px), Small (Size >= 576px)]( - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Game View]( - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Won Game]( - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Lose Game](

Set Up Instructions

Click to view - Download dependencies by running `npm install` - Start up the app using `npm start`

Completion Instructions

Functionality to be added
The app must have the following functionalities - Initially, the _Score_ and _Total Score_ for the current game should be **0** - When an **Emoji** is clicked, - If it is not the same as any of the previously clicked emojis, then the _Score_ should be incremented by one - If all the emojis are clicked exactly once - [Won Game]( view should be displayed - If it is the same as any of the previously clicked emojis - [Lose Game]( view should be displayed - If the score achieved in the current game is higher than the previous scores then the _Top Score_ should be updated accordingly - When the _Play Again_ button is clicked, then we should be able to play the game again - The _Score_ value should be reset but not the _Top Score_ value - The `EmojiGame` component receives the `emojisList` as a prop. It consists of a list of emoji objects with the following properties in each emoji object | Key | Data Type | | :-------: | :-------: | | id | Number | | emojiName | String | | emojiUrl | String |
Components Structure
emoji game view component breakdown structure

emoji game win or lose component breakdown structure

Implementation Files
Use these files to complete the implementation: - `src/components/EmojiGame/index.js` - `src/components/EmojiGame/index.css` - `src/components/NavBar/index.js` - `src/components/NavBar/index.css` - `src/components/EmojiCard/index.js` - `src/components/EmojiCard/index.css` - `src/components/WinOrLoseCard/index.js` - `src/components/WinOrLoseCard/index.css`

Quick Tips

Click to view
- You can use the `cursor` CSS property to specify the mouse cursor to be displayed when pointing over an element ``` cursor: pointer; ```
cursor pointer - You can use the below `outline` CSS property for buttons and input elements to remove the highlighting when the elements are clicked ``` outline: none; ```

Important Note

Click to view
**The following instructions are required for the tests to pass** - The emojis should have the alt as the value of the key `emojiName` from each emoji object


Image URLs - []( alt should be **emoji logo** - []( - [](
Hex: #6a59ff
Hex: #ffffff
Hex: #3d3d3d
#### Background Colors
Hex: #9796f0
Hex: #fbc7d4
Hex: #ffffff33
Hex: #ffce27
#### Border Colors
Hex: #ffffff30
Font-families - Roboto

Things to Keep in Mind